Monday, January 5, 2009

Sometimes it Gets Uncomfortable

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I look at many of my clients as extended family. Even with extended family, though, sometimes it gets uncomfortable.

I would say, once every 2 to 3 months it gets uncomfortable at the Dee home. Jack and Patience Dee are a couple in their late 50's. Empty-Nesters. Patience runs her own catalogue business and Jack is a CPA. Patience is never home when I come to clean. Jack has not been working regularly due to a medical "issue" for the past year. Jack is also, I believe, an alcoholic.

Some alcoholics I know are obnoxious , others are mean , others are happy drunks. Jack is the happy kind. No stumbling around for him...just lots of talking. A plethora of unwanted info spills from Jack's mouth when he's been chugging. Jack is not always ripe on the booze when I'm there. Like I mentioned, it only gets uncomfortable every 2 or 3 months. Today, it got uncomfortable. Today, I got an unwanted lesson on Jack's medical condition.

Have you ever heard of an anal fistula? Well, I hadn't, up until today. Have you ever heard of too much info?

Jack described in slurry detail every nuance of his anal fistula and the problems associated with it. I didn't know for sure how long it would take to die of embarrassment. Unfortunately, I stayed conscious enough to continue to clean the entire kitchen .I think I was sweating drops of horror. Jack never noticed.

Did you know that there are physicians that are fistula specialists?? Well, Jack's specialist was having a hard time getting her specialty right with Jack. Jack still can't sit down properly after a year. I can see why Jack's been drinking. I can also understand why Patience has been burying herself in her business. Who wants to be around a drunk with a butt problem all day?

I sound cruel, but I feel so sad and sorry under my cruelness. Patience is a saint, caring for Jack. I've noticed the medical "supplies" and imagined where she's probably had to apply them. And poor Jack, what a blow to his manhood and his career. What a proverbial kick in the pants; pain in the ass. It has to be a sad day , when you choose to spill your guts to the cleaning lady.

Next week, will Jack remember that he verbally bared all to me today? Next week will I be able to look him in the eye, or will my eyes wander to the donut he's been sitting on for a year? Sometimes there is a price to pay for people trusting you. Sometimes, it just gets uncomfortable.

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